The Roman Road

  • For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23
  • For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 6:23
  • But God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8
  • If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified and with the mouth one confesses and is saved. Romans 10:9
  • For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. Romans 10:13

Friday, July 31, 2009

Hi there!
First we want say our condolences to Steve C. His girlfriend, Renee, passed away 2 days ago. We're sorry Steve. We'll miss her.
Tim must be feeling a little better; he ate all three meals today! That's the most in about a week. Yeah Tim!
Thanks for your continued prayers and please add Steve, I know he's hurting.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

We heard from the orthopedic doctor today and he said that Tim can put full weight on all four limbs as tolerated. So today, the PT Girls came in and stood him up on both legs w/a walker and he took a couple of baby steps to the chair to sit down! That's really great!!!
Doctor Patel, Tim's General Contractor, said that it could take as long as a week to get byopsy results back and then maybe more tests.
Again, I guess we'll wait here.
Talk to ya later,
Hi, just found out that it takes 48 to 72 hrs to get results from a byopsy; and with the weekend invovled, it might be Monday before we hear anything. So, I guess we'll just wait here; right? More later after we see a few doctors today.
Good Morning,
Tim got back from the trans-jugular liver byopsy about 9:00am. Not a very long proceedure since they only picked him up at 7:30.
So now we're waiting for results; not sure how many days that'll take. But he looks good and is awake, still nauseated.
I'll let you know as soon as I know something.
Thanks for your prayers!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Well, they just came in and asked if Tim minded if they did the Trans - Jugular Liver Byopsy first thing in the morning (which means about 7:00am) or wait indefinitely tonite. So, he opted for first thing in the morning. So now he can eat something!!! Yeah!

Good Morning!

Hi, I thought I'd write really fast while I could still say "good morning".
We're still waiting for the liver byopsy. Obviously we thought they'd pick him up sooner than this because yesterday's ERCP was so early.
They've changed the way they will perform the byopsy: they're calling this a Trans-Jugular Byopsy. The nurse explained that this way is more of a straight shot as opposed to doing it in the CT Lab which is how they were going to do it originally. She likened that to "a shot in the dark".
The kidney doctor came by and said that Tim's kidneys are doing better and he's going to lessen the amount of iv fluids he's getting.
The orthopedic surgeon requested some xrays of Tim's pelvis, they did those yesterday. Hopefully we'll see him today so he can explain what he saw.
Again, thank you for the prayers, we're hoping and praying for healing.
I'll write more when he's back from the proceedure,

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Oops! I made a mistake: they shall walk and not faint. last line of Isaiah 40:31
Well the charge nurse said that the ERCP showed nothing abnormal but that we would have to wait for the doctor to give us more detail.
Tim's back in his room now & resting after eating breakfast late. They're saying that a liver byopsy is scheduled tentatively for tomorrow. Today they are giving him 2 units of plasma, not whole blood. Apparently that's why the byopsy is tomorrow instead of today: they want his blood to be just right.
Thanks for the prayer support I know it's helping.
This is the verse we're thinking about today: Isaiah 40:31 But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run & not be weary; they shall run & not faint.
P.S. Taryn is a crawler now!!!!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Just saw one more doctor: they will do another scope test tomorrow called ERCP. It will go into the common duct of his liver, inject some dye & look around there. The doc said just now that his liver is in pretty bad shape.
Please keep sending those prayers for healing - Tim really needs God's healing now. Also His strength.

Back To The Waiting Game

Hi Everyone,
It's almost 5:30 here in Vegas, kinda late for everyone east of us; sorry.
We actually got to see three (count 'em, three) doctors today and had one great nurse, Mary. The docs are kinda playing the waiting game & just trying to figure out why the liver is acting up. So far we have no answer as to where Tim's loosing blood & if he is, it's pretty slowly; his blood count is only a little lower than it should be. They also think the kidneys are doing better with the lasics they've been giving him.
Most of the day Tim's been sleeping: he woke up for physical therapy girls to set him on the side of the bed for a while & he may have been awake for his bath this afternoon. Other than that, he's barely awake to eat. Probably good healing time for his body.
Okay, that's all I know today. You all have been a great encouragement to me - thanks for your thoughts & prayers for Tim!

Sunday, July 26, 2009


The kidney ultra sound did not show why his kidney function would be low (no enough pee). The doc just said that this is the main thing we are concerned about right now. They are giving Tim lasics & fluids to try to jump start the kidneys. If this doesn't work, they'll probably do some dialysis temporarily.
The MRCP showed gall stones in the common duct (bile duct) but they are non obstructive (they let bile flow). They may have to do a liver biopsy to find out what is causing elevated liver enzymes.
Now we're all up to date.
Thank you for your continued prayers,


Hi Everyone,
Sorry about no post yesterday, just couldn't get things together to get it done.
Yesterday wasn't a very good day anyway, Tim spent most of it nauseated and in & out of sleep.
Last night, he went for an ultrasound on the kidneys and this morning he had an MRI. (I think to look at the gall bladder & pancreas & liver) Now we're just waiting to see what the tests found. I'm pretty sure Tim's sick of being sick so I hope they find something (that can be fixed & fast).
Thanks for your prayers, I'll let you know as soon as I know something.

Friday, July 24, 2009

3rd Floor - IMCU

Hi, It's late, but we just got moved to room 330 in Intermediate Care on the 3rd floor.
The test to look inside the GI tract was finally done about 7:30 this evening; it showed that Tim has Gastritus. (inflamation) Now we're waiting for an MRI. I guess they're still looking for liver problems &/or some internal bleeding to explain the low blood count on Wednesday.
He's been nauseated all day and yesterday as well. He got something to eat about an hour ago but could not get it down.
Right now Tim's resting; hopefully he'll rest well the whole night. We should get the results of the MRI sometime tomorrow and I'll let you know what they are.

Thanks for your prayers,

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Back to Las Vegas

Hi Everyone!
I am sorry that it has been so long since we have updated. We have had some Internet problems the last few days. However, much has happened in the last two days. Just to catch you up I will skip yesterday and get right to today.

This morning a nurse called my mom to say that after throwing up all night and many other things, as soon as arrangements could be made they will be sending Tim back to Las Vegas to University Medical Center. We got there right away and Dr. Parks came and gave us the report.
The main problem they are concerned with is his liver. The liver function numbers have gone very high in the last day. Biliruben (makes you yellow and is bad to have to much of) was at 1.5 yesterday and today it was 6.0 . Normal is 0.5.
He had to have a blood transfusion yesterday because his blood count was down to 8.1. After the transfusion his level was to 9.4. That number is better, but not as high as it should be, That made them think that he is bleeding internally. After a few tests were done they did find a collection of blood in front of the pelvis. That blood looks old though. This morning after he threw up some tests were done on his vomit and they discovered he does have a GI bleed. Hopefully it is just a gastric ulcer.
Dr. Parks also said my dad has mild congestive heart failure. As well as some pneumonia again. And he has gal stones now.

The reason he had to go back to las vegas is he needs a GI specialist who can do a test called an ERCG (i think those were the letters) which is a scope down the throat and into the gal bladder to see if they can get the gal stones out that way. Dr. Parks said the liver problems could possibly come from the gal bladder problems.

That is all I know right now, but I will let you know more or my mom will as we know.

We will keep looking to the Lord for strength!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Today at lunch Suzi went to visit with Tim. She got there and found him very lethargic. Apparently his red blood cell count is low so he is receiving transfusions. We hope the doctor will have something good to tell us or at least be able to explain what is going on with Dad today. The doctor will come between 5 and 6pm.
Will write again later! So glad you're still checking in on us!

Tuesday all the girls (Suzi, Timi Lynn, Taryn, and I) were able to go eat lunch with Tim. He was in the gym just before lunch. And after we ate, and visited for a while, it was right back to therapy for Dad! He has been doing very well. And I think he is pretty determined. Each time he is strong enough to do something new he does it all the time. For example, now he is able to roll onto his sides with out any help, so he does. He always wheels himself around now, sits up on his own, and gets some of the equipment ready that gets him out of bed. We know you are still praying, and thank you! Some of these days we would never make it through without those prayers!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Tim has had a low grade fever off and on since last night. I don't think anyone is very worried about it right now. He does look great though! He has lost all of the weight from the extra fluids! And, his hands are the cleanest I've ever seen them! :)

We just came from the hospital. Today is Tyler's birthday so we had cupcakes in Dad's room this evening. It was fun! Dad was in pain and waiting for 9pm which is when he was allowed some pain medicine. Hopefully he will get some good rest tonight.

I would like to thank all of you for reading our blog still! I do appologize for not being able to update as often as we were in Las Vegas, but we try to write at least once a day. Your support and comments mean so much to us all!


Sunday, July 19, 2009

The benefit and Tim's progress!

The benefit this Saturday was a HUGE success! EVERYONE was so generous! Thank you thank you thank you!!!!! I can't even find words to say how thankful we are! Very many people put in hours and hours of effort and even more people came out to show their support! Extra special thank you to Shelly! You are the best party planner we know!!

I was able to spend the afternoon at the hospital with Dad. Each day he makes progress by leaps and bounds! Today I walked in to see him sit up from lying down all on his own! Also he showed his skills by wheeling himself to the dining room twice! He gets along with the nurses very well. They have all been very helpful and kind.

Timi Lynn's martial arts tournament was great! It was so fun to watch! She won 2nd place in Team Combat Sparring. And she fought very well! In the semi finals she was one of the last three to fight! My personal favorite part of the whole event was when she busted a board with her head!!! She is AWESOME!! Sorry you all missed it!

I am so proud of Timi Lynn! And I am so proud of my Dad! You two ROCK!


Friday, July 17, 2009

"My best day yet..."

We just keep finding reasons to praise God! Thursday was "my best day yet.." said Tim. That was so great to hear him say! He did his therapy session and even wheeled himself up and down the hall a couple of times! He says that is VERY hard work. But I think he feels good knowing he can do that. Still he puts no weight on his legs by standing, but all of the exercises he does are just getting his body ready for that, when the time comes. The surgeon did come talk to him and said no more surgery will be needed!
He looked very well last night! Many visitors came and I know he was happy to see some of his friends! Tomorrow I am going to cut his hair in the morning. It is starting to get in his way. :)

Everyone have a great day! We'll write again soon!


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Hard day...

Today was a ruff day. Dad was able to do very little today. He is in very much pain. I personally think that Tuesday was such a big day and maybe he over did it a little. It has been a little more than a month since he has even been out of bed for any length of time and yesterday he was very active. After a day of physical therapy he sat in his wheel chair for quite some time.
He is having the most pain when he has to sit. He says that his hip just feels like it is twisting when he sits on it. . . Ouch! I can't imagine... Tomorrow is a new day though.
Please pray that God will give Tim strength to get through the days to come. As well as peace and patience while his body heals.
Our family has been so blessed with friends! Thank you all again and again for being so generous, for the support and for the much needed prayers!
Good night.

Valley View

Hi All!
This is Erin writing today. Dad was moved to Valley View Medical Center in Fort Mohave, AZ
Monday evening. Woo Hoo! Fort Mohave is not as Internet friendly as Las Vegas is. So we are just trying to find a new groove that will allow us to keep updating the blog daily.

Dad (Tim) is in the Valley View Rehab center room 105. Visiting hours do not start until 4 pm daily, but Saturday is open all day long. He is much more comfortable here! He even said the food is better :)

They wasted no time getting him to work. Tuesday morning when they got him up, they helped him get dressed and ready for the day. This will happen everyday so as he becomes more independent he will be comfortable doing these things on his own. Last night, when I saw him, he was in good spirits even though he was very sore and worn out. Apparently he went to the gym for therapy and says that every muscle was worked! That's great! I am sure he may not think "great" is the word to describe it, but I know the more he can do the better he will get.

Last night 16 xrays were taken (some of each broken limb as well as the pelvis). Dr. Stamper (the same doctor who worked with Dad for his broken leg last year) will be coming to see him soon. A surgeon in las vegas had said that the left hip is really displaced, but wouldn't be doing any surgery on it yet. That surgeon said he would check it out again in 3 or 4 weeks. 4 weeks was last Saturday and Dad was moved Monday. We aren't even sure surgery will have to be done. Also, once he was moved to VV he was being moved and he felt a pain in his left upper arm/shoulder. That has been bothering him ever since. I guess we will see what Dr. Stamper has to say after seeing all of the xrays.

My Mom (Suzi) went back to work today. She will probably leave at 3:30 ish to get to the hospital by 4 to visit with Dad.

Everyone has been really great! So many people have helped in so many ways! Your prayers have really helped us through each day! God really does reach out to us in ways we never expect. Please know that we are so thankful that God has put each of you in our path!
This Saturday very many people have come together to put on a benefit to help my parents out! We are really looking foward to this event! Another big thing going on in our family this week is Timi Lynn has a martial arts tournament Saturday. So a few of us will be late to the benefit, but I know Timi Lynn is gonna do great!

Have a great day everyone! We'll write again soon!


Monday, July 13, 2009


Well we finally got our transfer orders & should be moving within this hour to Valley View Medical Center in Fort Mohave, AZ. less than a 1/2 mile from our house. Yeah! Hopefully I'll be talking to you tonite from Arizona.


Good morning !

Not much going on this morning; just waiting to see the results of the xrays of Tim's upper left arm and wondering if he'll be moved to Valley View Rehab today.

Finally Tim is on a regular diet & not the ground up baby food diet he has been on. The speech therapist was concerned that he may not be able to swallow correctly after having the vent tube removed but that's going fine now.

Okay, so here's what helps me get through some of these days: God will supply our every "stinkin" need. This is my Sister-in-Law, Terri's paraphrase. I love it so much because even if my need is "Just get us through the day" I can count on God for that.

Taking it one minute at a time,

Sunday, July 12, 2009


The physical & occupational therapy guys just left. They came in and slid Tim into a wheel chair using a transfer board. He sat there for about an hour (pretty bad pain for the last 1/2 hour) and then they put him back in bed, not using the transfer board. Maybe they thought the transfer board didn't work as well as it should have. It's just kind of a bridge they use to slide the person across from one place to another. It's about 1' x 3'. Now he's in bed resting.

The physical therapist is concerned that Tim's legs are so swollen. They are way smaller than they were 5 days ago.

Hope you all have a good Sunday afternoon & evening.


Saturday, July 11, 2009

Hi Everyone,
We just found out that Monday should be the day for trasport to a rehab hospital. The doc just told us that the rehab was/is waiting for insurance confirmation but that there is a bed for Tim at Valley View as soon as that happens. That will be nice, Valley View Rehab Hospital is very close to our home in Fort Mohave.

Thank you for remembering to pray for Tim; he's in almost constant pain and growing restless but his muscles are getting stronger by the day. I'm sure that soon he'll be motovating by himself.

Talk to you a little later,

Friday, July 10, 2009

Well, we're still here, in room 404. We heard that maybe they won't move us till Monday. That's okay, because everyday Tim gets a little stronger; maybe he'll be ready for 3 hours of physical therapy a day when he gets there.

Thanks, once again for all your prayers!
We know they help,


Apparently we need to go before the parole board to get out of here. It's past noon & we still haven't heard if we'll be shipped out today. Not that it's so bad here, it's actually pretty good as far as hospitals go.

So, we're waiting patiently in room 404.

Physical therapy girls came in and tried to help Tim stand today - he just couldn't do it. Not enough strength in his right leg. He did do alot of excersises though and his right arm & hand is almost back to normal size. Also, his feet have lost alot of fluid since yesterday. The skin is starting to get wrinkly.

Okay, Talk to everyone later,

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Musical Beds ?

Hi from room #404. The nurses put patients into catagories & grouped like catagories together. Isn't this fun...

Well Tim's taking it well, and maybe we'll be shipped to a rehab facility tomorrow around mid day. Hopefully back to Bullhead. (weird, have you ever heard anyone say that before?)

Okay, talk to ya later,

Good News!

We just got word that work comp is picking up our case! Yeah!
Oh Boy ! Does that take a load off!

The Inevitable...

Well, it happened. Tim has a bed sore. As if we needed something else to look out for, but this is small potatoes (as long as we handle it right). Any way, I'm looking forward to him standing more & more; so that will cause better circulation & promote healing.

Apparently the old saying is true: there's no rest for the weary. Seems like every few days Tim doesn't sleep for a night or two. What's that all about? Well, he's trying to rest now.

Wishing everyone a safe trip on the way to Ute Lake this weekend. Out thoughts & prayers for a safe fun weekend are with you. Wish we were there too.

The verse we are leaning on today is: Isaiah 41:13, For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, Fear not, I am the one who helps you.

And on that note, have a great day!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Hi, Tim stood today for the first time since June 13th. Yeah Tim!!!!!
He said it only lasted for about 20 seconds, but that's a start.
And, the doctor was happy with his progress today also! That's amazing - I didn't think that was possible.

I think we're going to try to watch Grand Torino (Clint Eastwood) tonite on DVD. (In between naps)

Okay, talk to you later,
just wanted you to know that we're back to the same old grind up here on the fourth floor: wake up, wait for the doc, wait for physical therapist, ask for pain meds, etc. I must say, Tim is being a real trooper about all this. He even puts up with me when I say it's time to sit on the edge of the bed. He's doing really well. Most of the swelling in his upper body is gone except for the right arm. I think because he can't use his right arm very much. He is still carrying alot of fluid on his lower body. I'm sure as he moves more & more, that will go away also.

He still is not strong enough to stand. I guess that will come in time.

More as I know it,
Thanks for your prayers - they are really needed!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

We're Moved

Hello Everyone from rm# 413, just one floor up from where we were in Intermediate Care. Now Tim's in a regular hospital room: with the usuall excellent care, I'm sure.

He's resting comfortably and probably will for a few more hours.

We're still hoping to be moved to BHC or Fort Mohave soon.

Talk to you in the morning,

Waiting To Be Moved

Good morning everyone,
Yesterday the nurse told us that the doc said Tim would be moved, either to another floor because he is more stable (less critical) or to a rehab hospital or nursing home somewhere... we're hoping for Valley View in Fort Mohave. Placement is an issue because they're not sure he'll be able to take 3 hours of rehab a day right away which is required in a rehab hospital.

We're reminding ourselves once again that God knows what's going on and He'll take care of Tim where ever he is.

I'll write more later when I find something out.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Today we are learning to deal with the new form of pain medication and just waiting to see the doctor. Hopefully everything will fall in line for us to leave this week and get Tim in a rehab hospital. I guess the holiday got in the way and slowed things down; but we know that God is in charge and things happen for a reason.
Also today I'm trying to keep in mind Romans 8:28 And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose.

I'll let you know as soon as I know something,

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Good Evening Everyone,

Hope your day was great!
The doctor changed the kind of morphine Tim's taking to 2 pills of slow acting morphine every eight hours. It took one and a half to two hours of really bad pain before it TKO'd him. I think I could have a brass band in here and he wouldn't know it.

Hopefully he'll be awake enough tomorrow to do his homework (exercises) and see the physical therapists.

Okay, I just wanted to say Hi! before the day ended.

Happy 5th of July!!!

Hi Everyone,
Yesterday was uneventful. Tim slept most of the day. Muscles were very sore from a couple of days ago. We did hear that the cat scan of his head was negative which means they didn't see anything wrong up there! YEAH! (Some of you might take issue with that)

Today Occupational Therapy came to help him sit up for a while: after they got him up onto the side of the bed, he sat there for 20 minutes by himself. That's really good!

Before that & especially now, he's in alot of pain so they'll bring pain meds.
I'm sure he'll nap for a while because he is ,even now.

Okay Guys, I write more later.
Have a great afternoon!

Friday, July 3, 2009

A Little Good News

Hi Everyone,
We saw Dr. Ontengo a little while ago and he had some good news:

There is no infection in Tim's blood stream, "maybe just a contaminate but he's on the antibiotic to cover it".

All of Tim's labs look good. Yeah!

We're mainly just concerned w/the rehab for now.


Sometime today Tim will have a cat scan of his head because he's still experiencing some confusion: So far the other scans of his head showed nothing wrong - I really don't expect anything different this time.

As always, we appreciate your continued prayers.


Thursday, July 2, 2009

Almost mid-day in Las Vegas, Dr. Ontengo just came in to see Tim. He said the pneumonia is getting better. That's good news!

Physical Therapy came today and Tim actually lifted his right leg by himself! That's real progress from 2 days ago. No standing yet; he's still a little weak for that.

Right now they're getting him set to move into a chair to set for a little while.

I guess Im gonna help w/that.
Good Morning Everyone,
Last night they started Tim on a really strong antibiotic, Vancomycin, to combat the infection found in his blood stream. They also put in a 'pic line' which would be used to give iv's and draw blood etc. They're taking out the 'central line' to see if something is growing on the end of it which may have caused this infection.
Tim's breakfast just arrived so I'll talk to you later.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

sorry it's so late in the day, but I've been waiting to see what the doctor had to say. Still no doc.

Yesterday, Tim & I worked on his 'homework' (exercises to keep musclfes moving & strengthen legs, arms & lungs) four or five times. He felt much better throughout the day. This morning when the physical therapists came it was like we hadn't done anything at all. He was stiff again and very dizzy when they helped him sit on the edge of the bed w/feet on the floor. I guess that's to be expected when you haven't moved for about two & a half weeks.

Right now there is a gastroenterologist here examining him. He didn't say much except that they would be back this evening.

We really appreciate your prayers.